![]() | Adresses électroniques des participants actifs: conférencier(e)s réels et virtuels, démonstrateur(e)s, président(e)s de séance, organisateur(e)s, encadreur(e)s, auditeur(e)s engagés, technicien, photographe |
Martin Beaudoin (U. of Alberta) <martin.beaudoin@ualberta.ca>
Olivier Bogros (BM de Lisieux) <bib_lisieux@compuserve.com>
Stéphanie Bélanger (U. of Toronto) <stephbel@netcom.ca>
Jean-Rémy Emorine (Lycée français, Toronto) <jr.emorine@home.com>
Marie-Diane Faucher (Radio-Canada) <marie-diane_faucher@radio-canada.ca>
Henriette Gezundhajt (U. of Toronto) <gezundha@chass.utoronto.ca>
Elzbieta Grodek (U. of Toronto) <elzbieta.grodek.kciuk@utoronto.ca>
Eric Guichard (ENS, Paris) <Eric.Guichard@ens.fr>
Rod Heimpel (U. of Toronto) <heimpel@chass.utoronto.ca>
Christina Ionescu (U. of Toronto) <cionescu@chass.utoronto.ca>
Margot Irvine (U. of Toronto) <mirvine@chass.utoronto.ca>
Danielle Issa-Sayegh (U. of Toronto) <issasaye@chass.utoronto.ca>
Derrick De Kerckhove (U. of Toronto) <derrick@chass.utoronto.ca>
Laura Kuzmenko (U. of Toronto) <lolaru@chass.utoronto.ca>
Mareika Lubkiewicz (U. of Toronto) <mareikal@trinity.utoronto.ca>
Marie-Luce Demonet (U. de Poitiers) <Marie-Luce.Demonet@mshs.univ-poitiers.fr>
France Martineau (U. d'Ottawa) <fmartin@uottawa.ca>
Pascal Michelucci (U. of Toronto) <pascal.michelucci@utoronto.ca>
Françoise Mougeon (York U.) <fmougeon@yorku.ca>
Carole Netter (Swarthmore College) <cnetter1@swarthmore.edu>
Mark Olsen (U. of Chicago) <mark@barkov.uchicago.edu>
Janet Paterson (U. of Toronto) <jpaters@chass.utoronto.ca>
Robert Peckham (U. of Tennessee-Martin) <bobp@utm.edu>
Benoite Pfeiffer (Lycée français, Toronto) <pfeiffer@idirect.com>
Mihaela Pirvulescu (U. of Toronto) <ma.pirvulescu@utoronto.ca>
Louise Poissant (UQAM) <poissant.louise@uqam.ca>
Joseph Porrovecchio (U. of Toronto) <jporrov@chass.utoronto.ca>
Yannick Portebois (U. of Toronto) <yannick.portebois@utoronto.ca>
Sylvain Rheault (U. de Regina) <sr@serveur.CAFE.UMontreal.CA>
Yves Roberge (U. of Toronto) <roberge@chass.utoronto.ca>
Barry Russell (Brooks U., Oxford) <br@inwave.demon.co.uk>
Jacques-Philippe Saint-Gérand (U. de Clermont-Ferrand II) <Jacques-Philippe.SAINT-GERAND@univ-bpclermont.fr>
Dominique Scheffel-Dunand (U. of Toronto) <sdunand@chass.utoronto.ca>
Alexandre Sévigny (U. of Toronto) <asevigny@chass.utoronto.ca>
Snejina Sonina (U. of Toronto) <ssonina@chass.utoronto.ca>
Dorothy Speirs (U. of Toronto) <dorothy.speirs@utoronto.ca>
David Trott (U. of Toronto) <trott@chass.utoronto.ca>
Marc Trottier (U. of Toronto) <marc.trottier@utoronto.ca>
Danielle Trudeau (San José State U.) <trudeau@email.sjsu.edu>
Isabelle Turcan (U. de Lyon III) <turcan@sunlyon3.univ-lyon3.fr>
Anthony Watanabe (U. of Toronto) <a.watanabe@utoronto.ca>
Catherine Wooldridge (Newtonbrook Secondary School, Toronto) <wulfric2@chass.utoronto.ca>
Russon Wooldridge (U. of Toronto) <wulfric@chass.utoronto.ca>
Sarah Wooldridge (Ryerson College, Toronto) <fantasticsisters@hotmail.com>