La Jérusalem médiévale - Marie Lebert - 2006Bibliographie[Ci-contre, les nouveaux quartiers de Jérusalem. Photo de Marie-Joseph Pierre.] |
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* Liste des sujets, sites et personnes
Abel (F.M.). Géographie de la Palestine. Paris, Gabalda, 1933-1938. 2 volumes.
Bahat (D.). Carta’s Historical Atlas of Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Carta, 1983.
Benvenisti (M.). Jerusalem: The Torn City. Jerusalem, Isratypeset, 1976.
Catalogue de la bibliothèque de l’Ecole biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem. Paris, Gabalda, 1985-1986. 12 volumes, 400.000 notices.
Chouraqui (A.). Jérusalem: une métropole spirituelle. Paris, Bordas, 1981. Coll. Voir l’histoire.
Cramer (F., photographe). Let There Be Peace! Publié par l’auteur, 1977. [Photos prises en 1970 lors d’un séjour de 8 mois]
Estrangin (L.) et Champollion (H., photographe). Jerusalem. Rennes, Ouest-France, 1986.
Kollek (T.) et Pearlman (M.). Jérusalem, ville sacrée de l’humanité: quarante siècles d’histoire. Paris, Fayard, 1968.
Konopnicki (M.) et Ben Rafael (E.). Jérusalem. Paris, PUF, 1987. Coll. Que sais-je?, 2366.
Har-El (M.). This is Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Canaan, 1977 ou Jerusalem, Kiryat-Sefer, 1985.
Levine (L.). The Jerusalem Cathedral. Studies in the History, Archaeology, Geography, and Ethnography of the Land of Israel. Jerusalem, Yad Izhaq Ben-Zvi Institute, 1981-1983. 3 volumes.
Mazar (B.). The Mountain of the Lord: Excavating in Jerusalem. New York, Doubleday, 1975.
Murphy-O’Connor (J.). The Holy Land: An Archaeological Guide From Earliest Times to 1700. 2nd edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1986.
Peters (F.E.). Jerusalem. Princeton University Press, 1985. [Collection de récits de première main, récits de Juifs, Chrétiens, Musulmans, pèlerins, guerriers, marchands, etc.]
Salzmann (A.). Jérusalem: étude et reproduction photographique des monuments de la Ville Sainte. Paris, Gide & J. Baudry, 1856. Un volume de texte et un volume de planches.
Wilson (Ch.W.). Ordnance Survey of Jerusalem. London, 1865. Reprint: Jerusalem, Ariel, 1980.
Israel Exploration Journal. Jerusalem, depuis 1950.
Levant: Journal of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem. Londres, depuis 1969.
Palestine Exploration Fund: Quarterly Statement. Londres, depuis 1869. Devient en 1937 le Palestine Exploration Quarterly.
Qadmoniot. Israel Exploration Society, Jerusalem, depuis 1968.
The Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine. Londres, 1932-1950.
Revue Biblique. Jérusalem et Paris, depuis 1892. Tables 1892-1899, tome 8, 1899. Tables 1892-1968, tome 1, 1975.
Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina Vereins. Leipzig, depuis 1878.
Abel (F.M.). Jérusalem sous les califes arabes. Jérusalem à l’époque franque. Jérusalem sous les soudans d’Egypte, in: Jérusalem nouvelle (co-écrit avec L.H. Vincent). Paris, Gabalda, 1926, volume 4, p. 926-993.
Archives de l’Orient Latin. Publié sous le patronage de la Société de l’Orient Latin. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1881-1884. 2 volumes.
Ayoub (M.). The Qur’an and Its Interpreters. Albany, State University of New York Press, 1984, volume 1.
Gatje (H.). The Qur’an and Its Exegesis. Berkeley & Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1976.
Goldziher (I.). Muslim Studies. Edited by S.M. Stern. London, George Allen & Unwin, 1969-1971, 2 volumes.
Ashtor-Strauss (L.). Saladin and the Jews, in: Hebrew Union College Annual, 27, 1946, p. 305-326.
Ayalon (D.). The Muslim Society and the Mamluk Military Aristocracy. Proceedings of Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, volume 2, 1968, p. 311-329.
Bréhier (L.). Charlemagne et la Palestine, in: Revue Historique, volume 157, 1928, p. 277-291.
Burgoyne (M.H.). Mamluk Jerusalem. British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem, 1987. Part 1: Mamluk Jerusalem, p. 33-102.
Irwin (Robert). The Middle East in the Middle Ages: The Early Mamluk Sultanate 1250-1382. Croom Helm, 1986.
Le Strange (G.). Palestine Under the Moslems. 1890. Reprint: Beirut, Khayats, 1965.
Little (D.P.). A Catalogue of the Islamic Documents from al-Haram as-Sarif in Jerusalem. Beirut, 1984.
Lufti (Hada). Al-Quds al-Mamlûkiyya. A History of Mamlûk Jerusalem Based on the Haram Documents. Berlin, 1985.
Mann (J.). The Jews in Egypt and in Palestine Under the Fatimid Caliphs. Oxford University Press, 1920-1922. 2 volumes. Reprint: New York, S.D. Goitein, 1969.
Atiya (A.S.). The Crusade in the Later Middle Ages. London, Methuen, 1938.
Benvenisti (B.). The Crusaders in the Holy Land. Jerusalem, Israel Universities Press, 1970.
Cahen (C.). La féodalité et les institutions politiques de l’Orient latin, in: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Atti del XII Convegno “Volta”, Rome, Accademia Nazionale, 1954, p. 167-191.
Cahen (C.). An Introduction to the First Crusade, in: Past and Present, volume 6, 1954, p. 6-30.
Cahen (C.). Crusades, in: Encyclopaedia of Islam. New edition. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1965, p. 63-66.
Erdmann (C.). The Origin of the Idea of Crusade. Translated from the German edition (Stuttgart, 1935) by M.W. Baldwin. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1977.
Gabrieli (F.). Arab Historians of the Crusades. Berkeley & Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1969.
Gesta Francorum. The Deeds of the Franks and Other Pilgrims to Jerusalem. Edited and translated by Rosalind Hill. London, Thomas Nelson, 1962.
Goitein (S.D.). Contemporary Letters on the Capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders, in: Journal of Jewish Studies, volume 3, p. 162-177.
Hamilton (B.). The Latin Church in the Crusader States. London, Variorum, 1980.
Ibn al-Qalanisi. Continuation of the Chronicle of Damascus: The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades. Edited and translated by H.A.R. Gibb. London, 1932.
Krey (A.C.), edited by. The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eye-Witnesses and Participants. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1921.
Pernoud (R.). Les hommes de la Croisade. Nouvelle édition. Paris, Fayard & Tallandier, 1982.
Prawe (J.). The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem: European Colonialism in the Middle Ages. London, Widenfeld & Nicolson, 1972.
Riley-Smith (J.). The Knights of Saint-John in Jerusalem and Cyprus: 1050-1310. London, Macmillan, 1967.
Runciman (S.). A History of the Crusades. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1954, 3 volumes.
Setton (K.M.). A History of the Crusades. Edited by R.L. Wolff and H.W. Hazard. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1969-1977. 4 volumes.
Ahima’as. The Chronicle of Ahimaaz. Edited and translated by M. Salzmann. New York, Colombia University Press, 1924, p. 65.
Adler (E.N.). Jewish Travellers: A Treasury of Travelogues From Nine Centuries. 2nd edition. New York, Hermon Books, 1966.
Anonymous Pilgrims, I-VIII (Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries). Translated by A. Stewart. Palestine Pilgrims Text Society, volume 6, 1894. Reprint: New York, AMS Press, 1971.
Arnold von Harff. The Pilgrimage of Arnold von Harff, 1496-1499. London, Hakluyt Society, NS 94, 1946.
Benjamin de Tudèle. The Itinerary of Benjamin de Tudela: Critical Text, Translation, and Commentary. By M.N. Adler. London, Oxford University Press, 1905. Reprint: New York, Philipp Faldheim, 1965.
Chelebi. Evliya Tshelebi’s Travels in Palestine. Translated by St. H. Stephan. Jerusalem, Ariel, 1980.
City of Jerusalem (The). Translated from the Old French, with notes, by C.R. Conder. Palestine Pilgrims Text Society, volume 6, 1896. Reprint: New York, AMS Press, 1971.
Daniel L’Igoumène. The Pilgrimage of the Russian Abbot Daniel in the Holy Land. Annotated by C.W. Wilson. Palestine Pilgrims Text Society, volume 4, 1895. Reprint: New York, AMS Press, 1971.
Felix Fabri. The Book of the Wanderings of Felix Fabri. Translated by A. Stewart. Palestine Pilgrims Text Society, 7-10, 1893, 2 volumes. Reprint: New York, AMS Press, 1971.
Felix Fabri. Jerusalem Journey. Edited by H.F.M. Prescott. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1954. [Voyage de 1480]
Felix Fabri. Once to Sinai. Edited by H.F.M. Prescott. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1954 ou New York, Macmillan, 1958. [Voyage de 1483]
Foucher de Chartres. Hagenmeyer H. Fulcheri Carnotensis Historia Hierosolymitana (1095-1127). Heidelberg, C. Winters Universitätbuchhandlung, 1913.
Foucher de Chartres. Fulcher of Chartres. A History of the Expedition to Jerusalem, 1095-1127. Translated by F.R. Ryan. Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press, 1969.
Guillaume de Tyr. William of Tyre. A History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea. Translated by E.A. Babcock and A.C. Krey. New York, Columbia University Press, 1943, 2 volumes.
Harizi (Al-). Al-Harizi et ses pérégrinations en Terre Sainte (vers 1217). Par M. Schwab, in: Archives I, 1881, p. 231-244.
Jean de Wurzbourg. John of Wurzburg. Description of the Holy Land. Translated by A. Stewart with notes by C.W. Wilson. Palestine Pilgrims Text Society, 5, 1896. Reprint: New York, AMS Press, 1971.
Kobler (F.), edited by. Letters of Jews Through the Ages From Biblical Times to the Middle of the Eighteenth Century. New York, East and West Library, 1978, 2 volumes.
Maundrell (H.). Henry Maundrell: A Journey From Aleppo to Jerusalem in 1697. Oxford, 1703. Reprint: Beirut, Khayats, 1963. With a new introduction by David Howell.
Mujir al-Din. Histoire de Jérusalem et d’Hébron: fragments de la chronique de Mujir al-Din, traduits de l’arabe par Henry Sauvaire. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1876.
Muqaddasi (Al-). Description of Syria, including Palestine. Translated from the Arabic and annotated by G. Le Strange. Palestine Pilgrims Text Society, 3, 1896. Reprint: New York, AMS Press, 1971.
Nasir-I Khusraw. Diary of a Journey Through Syria and Palestine. Translated from the Arabic and annotated by G. Le Strange. Palestine Pilgrims Text Society, 4, 1893. Reprint: New York, AMS Press, 1971.
Niccolo Poggibonsi. Fra Niccolo of Poggibonsi: A Voyage Beyond the Seas (1346-1350). Translated by T. Bellorini and E. Hoade. Jerusalem, Franciscan Printing Press, 1945.
Sandoli (S. de). Itinera Hierosolymitana Crucesignatorum (Saec. XII-XIII). Jerusalem, Franciscan Press, 1979-1984. 4 volumes.
Schur (N.). Jerusalem in Pilgrims and Travellers’ Accounts: A Thematic Bibliography of Western Christian Itineraries 1300-1917. Jerusalem, Ariel, 1980.
Wilkinson (J.). Jerusalem Pilgrims Before the Crusades. Jerusalem, Ariel, 1977.
Burgoyne (M.H.). Mamluk Jerusalem: An Architectural Study. London, World of Islam Festival Trust, 1987.
Creswell (K.A.C.). Early Muslim Architecture. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1932-1940. 2 volumes in-folio.
Creswell (K.A.C.). A Short Account of Early Muslim Architecture. Penguin Books, 1958. Pelican Book, 407.
Gautier-van Berchem (M.) et Ory (S.). La Jérusalem musulmane dans l’oeuvre de Max van Berchem. Lausanne, éditions des Trois Continents, 1978.
Grabar (O.). The Formation of Islamic Art. New Haven & London, Yale University Press, 1973.
Grabar (O.). Al-Kuds. Part B. The Monuments, in: Encyclopaedia of Islam. New edition. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1980.
Van Berchem (M.). Matériaux pour un Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum. Mémoires de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale du Caire. 3 volumes in-folio. Tome 1 (T. XLIII). Jérusalem: Ville, 1922. Tome 2 (T. XLIV). Jérusalem: Haram, 1927. Tome 3 (T. XLV). Jérusalem: Planches, 1920. 120 planches.
Hazard (H.W.), edited by. A History of the Crusades. Volume 4: The Art and Architecture of the Crusader States. Edited by K.M. Setton. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1977.
Vincent (L.H.) et ABEL (F.M.). Jérusalem nouvelle. Paris, J. Gabalda, 1914-1926. 4 volumes. Volumes 1 et 2: Aelia Capitolina, le Saint-Sépulcre et le Mont des Oliviers. Volume 3: La Sainte-Sion et les sanctuaires de second ordre. Volume 4: Sainte-Anne et les sanctuaires hors de la ville. Histoire monumentale de Jérusalem.
Amico (B.). Trattato delle piante & immagini de sacri edifizi di Terra Santa disegnate in Ierusalemme. Firenza, Apresso Pietro Cocconelli alle Stelle Medicee, 1620.
Amico (B.). Plans of the Sacred Edifices of the Holy Land. Translated from the Italian by T. Bellorini and E. Hoade with preface and notes by B. Gatti. D’après l’édition de 1620. Jerusalem, Franciscan Printing Press, 1953.
Arculfe. Wilkinson (J.). Jerusalem Pilgrims Before the Crusades. Jerusalem, Ariel, 1977. [Plans d’Arculfe, p. 194-198]
Avi-Yonah (M.). The Madaba Mosaic Map. Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 1954.
Bahat (D.). Carta’s Historical Atlas of Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Carta, 1983.
Bahat (D.). Selected Plans of Historical Sites and Monumental Buildings. 2nd edition. Jerusalem, Ariel, 1980. [Sélection de plans entre 1878 et 1975]
Buenting (H.). Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae. Helmstadt, 1581. [Gravure sur bois représentant Jérusalem au coeur des trois continents]
Album de Terre Sainte. Album Missionis Terrae Sanctae. Custodia Terrae Sanctae (Franciscan Mission), 1893. 2 volumes.
Album presented to Sir Herbert Samuel to the Mayor of Jerusalem.
American Colony Photographers. Album: A Collection of Photographs of the Holy Land. Jerusalem, American Colony, 18? [48 photos]
Antony (John). In the City of our Lord: Twelve Photographs of Jerusalem. London, 1861. [12 photos de 1860]
Bain (Robert Edward), in: John Heyl Vincent. Earthly Footsteps of the Man of Galilee. New York, 1894. [394 photos]
Bedford (Francis). Egypt, the Holy Land, Syria... 1862. London, Marion, 188? [100 grandes photos de 1862]
Bedford (Francis). Egypt, the Holy Land, Syria… 1866. [48 photos de 1862]
Ben-Dov (Jacob). The Development of the Jewish Yishuv in Eretz-Israel from 1907 to the Thirties: A Selection of Photos from the Bendov Archives at the Israel Museum.
Ben-Dov (Jacob). Eretz-Israel. Jerusalem, 1938. [24 photos]
Ben-Dov (Jacob). Eretz-Israel, the Land of Promise. Jerusalem, J. Ben-Dov, 1952. [21 photos]
Bonfils (Félix). Souvenirs d’Orient: album pittoresque des sites, villes et ruines les plus remarquables de la Terre Sainte. 1878. [Stéréographes de 1867 à 1878]
Bonfils (Félix). 51 photographies de Palestine. 1878? [Probablement des extraits de: Souvenirs d’Orient]
Bonfils (Félix). Une collection de photos du Levant. 1889? [73 photos de F. Bonfils et Ph. Dumas]
Bridges (George W.). Album. 1859. [Photos de 1849 et 1850]
Clercq (Louis de). Voyage en Orient. [5 volumes de calotypes à partir de 1859]
Du Camp (Maxime). Egypte, Nubie, Palestine et Syrie: dessins photographiques recueillis durant les années 1849, 1850 et 1851. Paris, Gide & J. Baudry, 1852. [125 calotypes de 1849 imprimés par Blanquart-Evrard]
Du Camp (Maxime). Orient et Italie: souvenirs de voyage et de lecture. Paris, Didier, 1868.
Franklin (G.E.). Palestine Depicted and Descripted. London, J.M. Dent, 1911. [376 photos]
Frith (Francis). Egypt & The Holy Land: Dover Photographic Collections. Reprint: New York, Dover, 1980. [77 photos]
Frith (Francis). Egypt, Sinai & Palestine. London, Mackenzie, 1862? [37 photos]
Frith (Francis). The Bible in Photographs. [Edition limitée à 170 exemplaires]
Frith (Francis). Cairo, Sinai, Jerusalem and the Pyramids of Egypt. 1860. [Photos de 1857 à 1859]
Garabedian (Yessayi). Jerusalem. 1861.
Girault de Prangey (Joseph Philibert). Monuments arabes d’Egypte, de Syrie et d’Asie mineure. 1846. [Gravures à partir de daguerréotypes de 1841]
Good (Frank M.). The Eastern Series. 186? [250 stéréographes de 1857 à 1859]
Good (Frank M.). Photo-pictures: The Holy Land. London.
Goupil-Fesquet (Frédéric) et Vernet (Horace). Excursions daguériennes. 1841. [120 gravures à partir de daguerréotypes de 1839]
Goupil-Fesquet (Frédéric). Voyage d’Horace Vernet en Orient. Paris, Challamel, 1843. Planches en couleur.
Grober (K.). Palestine and Syria. Berlin, 1926.
Kahn (Leo). Palästina in Bilder. Wien, 1913.
Keith (George Skene). Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion. [18 daguerréotypes pris en 1844 par son fils]
Kilburn (Benjamin-West et Edward). Jerusalem. 1875. [80 stéréographes de 1873, concernant surtout Jérusalem]
Laurent (Dr August Jacob). Jerusalem. [112 photographies prises entre 1852 et 1860]
Lees (George Robinson). Jerusalem illustrated. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Mawron, Swan & Morgan, 1893.
Lees (George Robinson). Scenes in the Holy Land. London, Cambridge University Press, 192?
Lortet (Louis Charles). La Syrie d’aujourd’hui: voyages dans la Phénicie, le Liban et la Judée, 1875-1880. Paris, Hachette, 1884. In-folio. [Nombreuses gravures réalisées à partir de photographies. Jérusalem: chapitres 8, 9 et 10, p. 219-308]
Mac Donald (photographe), in: Charles W. Wilson. Ordnance Survey of Jerusalem. London, 1865. Reprint: Jerusalem, Ariel, 1980. [Photographies prises en 1864 et 1865]
Payer (Alois). Album von Jerusalem. 1866. [Lithographies faites à partir de photos de 1865]
Pierotti (Ermete). Jerusalem Explored. London, Bel & Daldy et Cambridge, Deigthon & Dell, 1864. [Lithographies faites à partir de photos prises entre 1854 et 1862, vraisemblablement par John Mendel Diness, et non Pierotti lui-même]
Raad (C.). Jerusalem in Palästina. Munich, G. Landauer, 1925.
Raffalovich (Isaiah). Ansichten von Palästina und den Judischen Colonien. Jerusalem, 190? Reprint: Jerusalem, Ariel, 1979. [58 photos de I. Raffalovich et M.E. Sachs]
Sachs (M.E.), voir ci-dessus.
Salzmann (Auguste). Jérusalem: étude et reproduction photographique de la Ville Sainte depuis l’époque judaïque jusqu’à nos jours. Paris, Gide & J. Baudry, 1856. Volume 1: texte. Volume 2: planches (40 planches).
Smith (G.A.). The Way of the Cross.
Thevoz (E. et F.). La Palestine illustrée: collections de vues recueillies en Orient. Lausanne, G. Bridel, 1888-1893, 4 volumes.
Van Berchem (Max). Matériaux pour un Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum. Jérusalem, Mémoires de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale du Caire, tome XLV, 1920. Planches. [120 planches in-folio]
Vincent (L.H.) et Abel (F.M.). Jérusalem nouvelle. Paris, J. Gabalda, 1914-1924. 4 volumes.
The Way of the Cross: A Pictorial Pilgrimage from Bethlehem to Calvary. London, G. Newnes, 191?
Wheelhouse (C.G.) Photographic Sketches From the Shores of the Mediterranean. [Talbotypes de 1849 et 1850]
Wilson (Charles William) and James (Henry). Jerusalem, 1865. 1866?
Wilson (Charles William). Jerusalem: The Holy City. Jerusalem, Ariel, 1975. [Extrait de: Pituresque Palestine, Sinai & Egypt. New York, Appleton, 1881-1883.]
Wilson (Charles William). Golgotha & the Holy Sepulchre. London, Palestine Exploration Fund, 1906.
Wilson (Charles William). Ordnance Survey of Jerusalem. London, 1865. Reprint: Jerusalem, Ariel, 1980.
Wilson (Edward). In Scripture Lands: View of Sacred Places. London, Religious Tract Society, 1891. [150 photos]
Gidal (Tim N.). Ewiges Jerusalem 1850-1910. Luzern & Frankfurt/Main, Verlag C.J. Bucher, 1980. In-folio. [44 photographies pleine page]
Onne (Eyal). With the collaboration of Dror Wahrmann. Jerusalem: Profile of a Changing City. Jerusalem, Mishkenot Sha’ananim & The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, 1985. [77 photos anciennes]
Schiller (E.), edited by. The First Photographs of Jerusalem: The Old City. Jerusalem, Ariel, 1978. [Photos de 1856 à 1917]
Schiller (E.), edited by. The First Photographs of Jerusalem: The New City. Jerusalem, Ariel, 1979. [Photos de 1856 à 1917]
Schiller (E.), edited by. The First Photographs of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. Jerusalem, Ariel, 1980.
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