[Starting page of the article]
Dictionary databases, philological databases, cultural knowledge databases
Terence Russon WOOLDRIDGE
University of Toronto
1. Introduction
2. Profil
3. Acanthe
4. Platte peinture
5. The metalinguistic keyword database
6. The Académie database
The knowledge of a past state of a language is obtained from texts and, when they exist,
dictionaries of the period. The two complement each other: the texts show the language in use (linguistic level) while the dictionaries offer a reflexion on the language (metalinguistic level). The computerized early dictionaries -- particularly Estienne, Nicot and the Académie française -- are linked to some of their source texts -- including Belleau, Du Fouilloux, Vigenere and Vitruve -- and to bibliographical and metalinguistic keyword bases as well as to critical notes and images.