F. Other
1. Graduate evaluation (last five years)
a) Thesis defences
- 1999. Member of examining committee for Bin-Ru Hwang, Département d'Études françaises, Université de Limoges, May.
- 2000. Chair for J. Harrison, Dept. of English, May.
- 2000. Member of jury for habilitation of Jean Pruvost, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, May.
- 2002. Member of examining committee for Gabrielle Saint-Yves, Department of French, January.
- 2002. Chair for A. Wilson, Dept. of English, June.
- Plus a couple of committees chaired of which I forget the details.
b) Scholarship applications
- Chair of Ontario Graduate Scholarship evaluation panel, 2000.
2. Manuscript/project evaluator
- quantitative lexicology
- French-Canadian lexicology
- an inverse dictionary
- 17th-century literary language
- a 16th-century conceptual glossary
- a national centre for computers and the humanities
- the Trésor de la langue française au Québec project (4 reports)
- mediaeval lexicography
- reception of text
- dictionary of Middle French idiomatic expressions
- dictionary of lexicography and metalexicography
- thesaurus of architectural terminology (2 reports)
- Bilingual Canadian Dictionary
b) SSHRCC Evaluation Team on site visits
- Bilingual Canadian Dictionary: 1996 and 2001
c) SSHRCC Adjudication Committee for Linguistics, December 1990 - March 1991
d) RSSI (scholarly journal), Ottawa
- computer assisted semiotic formalization
e) Fonds FCAR, Quebec
- Trésor de la langue française au Québec (2 reports)
- Modélisation des relations sémantiques dans l'optique d'un dictionnaire spécialisé bilingue électronique
- Inclusion et exclusion: les stratégies discursives dans le Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
f) Computers and the Humanities (scholarly journal), Dordrecht-Boston-London
3. Organization of colloquia and other similar meetings
- 1983. Symposium on "Computers and the Humanities", Trinity College, November.
- 1984. Survey and demonstration of word-processors, U. of T., May.
- 1986. (Co-chairman) International Conference on "Computers and the Humanities: Today's Research, Tomorrow's Teaching", Toronto, April.
- 1989. (French sessions) International Conference of "The Dynamic Text", (annual conferences of ACH and ALLC), Toronto, June.
- 1991. TACT Workshop, CCH, University of Toronto, May.
- 1991. International symposium on "Historical Dictionary Databases", U. of T., October.
- 1993. (Co-organizer) International colloquium on Early Dictionary Databases, University of Toronto.
- 2000. International conference on the effects of new technologies on French studies, University of Toronto, May.
4. Toronto director of collaborative research projects
- Renaissance French, with Université de Poitiers (M.-L. Demonet), 17th-century French etymological lexicography, with Université de Lyon III (I. Leroy-Turcan), 19th-century French language, with Université de Clermont-Ferrand (J.-Ph. Saint-Gérand).
- Technical director of Project to Computerize the Dictionnaire de l'Académie française (1694-1935), with I. Leroy-Turcan (Université de Lyon III), D. Kibbee (U. of Illinois), M. Olsen (U. of Chicago), J.-Ph. Saint-Gérand (Université de Clermont-Ferrand).
- Technical director of web-site Langue du XIXe siècle (http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/epc/langueXIX/) created by Jacques-Philippe Saint-Gérand (Université de Clermont-Ferrand II).
- Principal investigator in international project on the critical evaluation of online resources in French Studies: ACRE (Appréciation critique de ressources en ligne). Web site: Le Net des Études françaises: http://www.etudes-francaises.net/
5. Computer consultant
- SATOR (Société d'analyse de la topique romanesque), 1988-91; RECALL, Erindale College, since 1989; Trésor de la langue française au Québec, Université Laval, 1989-93; Projet Féraud, Limoges-Poitiers, since 1990; EQUIL16 (Études informatiques sur les textes du XVIe siècle), Clermont-Ferrand and Epistemon, Poitiers, since July 1992; RENA Project, CNRS, Ivry-sur-Seine, 1992-4; ARTFL database, U. of Chicago, since 1994; Musée virtuel des dictionnaires, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, since 1998; Musée Européen du Dictionnaire à Trévoux, Trévoux and Université de Lyon III, since 1999.
6. CALL (Computer assisted language learning) research projects
- 1987-. Discursive grammar and lexis in a novel-length text database (WordCruncher database of Le Chien jaune, FRE 161).
- 1987-9. Error analysis of corpus of 250 FRE 171/271 compositions (in collaboration with M. Léon, T. Tomlinson, K. Hodgson, W. Winder).
- 1991-4. Feasibility study of implementation of CALL in French Dept. language courses (see E1).
- 1992-4. (with C. Renevey) Development of CALL authoring system and courseware modules.
- 1993-. (with C. Elkabas) Contextual teaching of vocabulary and grammar: le français en contexte
7. Television, published teaching materials (video, electronic, print)
- 1978. (with D. Clandfield & N. Maury) Le Ciné-français: explicated films for the French language class (manual, workbook and four videotaped explicated films), Toronto, University of Toronto Press (joint author). One of the programmes -- Les Voyageurs -- obtained an Award of Excellence from the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada, 1979.
- 1988. "L'analyse textuelle assistée par ordinateur: Bonheur d'occasion de Gabrielle Roy", in La Science en images, TV-Ontario, 26 October.
- 1997. (with C. Elkabas) Le Chien jaune de Georges Simenon: manuel et base de données (teaching manual and database), Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
8. On-line exhibitions
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