FRE 480Y Translation: French to English


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    Michel Petrucciani n'est plus

    Il avait les os fragiles comme du cristal... Il deviendra un virtuose du jazz célèbre dans le monde entier

    (Serge Truffaut, Le Devoir, 7 janvier 1999)

    Michel Petrucciani is not any more

    It{*he*} had bones fragile as crystal... He will become a virtuoso of the world-famous jazz

    (Serge Truffaut, Duty, in January 7, 1999)

    Michel Petrucciani is not any more

    He had the fragile bones like crystal... He will become a virtuoso of the famous jazz in the whole world

    (Serge Truffaut, the Duty , January 7, 1999)

    Michel Petrucciani is no more

    His bones were as fragile as glass. He became an internationally famous jazz virtuoso

    (Serge Truffaut, Le Devoir, 7 January 1999)

    Michel Petrucciani est mort. Il était pianiste de jazz. Héritier de Bill Evans pour le lyrisme et d'Oscar Peterson pour la virtuosité, Petrucciani n'aura laissé personne indifférent. Michel Petrucciani died. He was a pianist of jazz. Heir of Bill Evans for the lyric and Oscar Peterson for the virtuosity, Petrucciani will not have left anybody indifferent. Michel Petrucciani died. He was a pianist of jazz. Heir to Bill Evans for lyricism and Peterson Oscar for virtuosity, Petrucciani will not have left anybody indifferent. Michel Petrucciani has died. He was a jazz pianist. His lyricism, inherited from Bill Evans, and virtuosity, from Oscar Peterson, will not have left anyone indifferent.
    Le 28 décembre dernier, le pianiste de jazz Michel Petrucciani avait fêté ses 36 ans. Enfin, fêter... On ne sait pas trop. Toujours est-il que, dans la nuit de mercredi, il a été foudroyé par une infection pulmonaire alors qu'il était à New York. On the last December 28, the pianist of jazz Michel Petrucciani had celebrated his 36 years. Finally, to celebrate... One does not know too much. Always it{*he*} is that, in the night of Wednesday, it{*he*} was struck by a lung infection while it{*he*} was in New York. Last 28 December, the pianist of jazz Michel Petrucciani had celebrated his 36 years. Lastly, to celebrate... One does not know too much. Always it is that, in the night of Wednesday, it was struck down by a pulmonary infection whereas it was in New York. On 28 December last, Michel Petrucciani celebrated his 36th birthday. Well, as to celebrating, we cannot be sure. The fact remains that on Wednesday night he was struck down by a lung infection while in New York.
    Virtuose du piano, Petrucciani était considéré comme le principal acteur du renouveau du jazz dans sa version française. On disait qu'il y eut Django Reinhart d'abord, Stéphane Grappelli ensuite, Michel Petrucciani enfin. On disait cela parce qu'il fut l'un des rares, très rares musiciens originaires de la république, à avoir acquis une bonne réputation des deux côtés de l'Atlantique. Virtuoso of the piano, Petrucciani was considered as the main actor of the flourish of the jazz in his French version. One said that there was Django Reinhart at first, Stéphane Grappelli then, Michel Petrucciani finally. One said it because it was one of the rare, very rare musicians native of the republic, to have acquired a good reputation on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Virtuoso of the piano, Petrucciani was regarded as the principal actor of the revival of the jazz in his French version. It was said that there was Django Reinhart initially, Stéphane Grappelli then, Michel Petrucciani finally. One told that because it was one of the rare ones, very rare musicians originating in the republic, to have acquired a good reputation on the two sides of the Atlantic. A virtuoso of the piano, Petrucciani was regarded as the key actor in the revival of jazz in France. People said there was first of all Django Reinhardt, then Stephane Grappelli, and finally Michel Petrucciani. They said that because he was one of the few, very few French musicians to have gained a good reputation on both sides of the Atlantic.
    Il fut en effet le seul musicien français à avoir enregistré au célèbre Village Vanguard avant d'être mis sous contrat par la toute aussi célèbre et historique étiquette Blue Note. He was indeed the only French musician to have registered{*recorded*} in the famous Village Vanguard before being put under contract by quite so famous and historic label Blue Note. He was indeed the only French musician to have recorded in famous Village Vanguard before being put under contract by all also celebrates and historical label Blue Note. He was indeed the only French musician to have recorded at the famous Village Vanguard before signing with the equally famous and historic Blue Note label.
    Il était né le 28 décembre 1962 à Orange, grosse bourgade du sud de la France. Plus exactement, Orange est au coeur d'une région viticole reconnue pour son châteauneuf-du-pape. Dans cette ville, la famille Petrucciani tenait, et tient peut-être encore, un commerce d'instruments de musique. He had been born on December 28, 1962 in Orange, big village of the South of France. More exactly, Orange is in the heart of a wine-producing region recognized for its châteauneuf-du-pape. In this city, the family Petrucciani held, and holds still maybe, a business of musical instruments. It had been born on December 28, 1962 in Orange, large village of the south of France. More exactly, Orange is in the heart of a wine area recognized for its châteauneuf-of-pope. Perhaps in this city, the Petrucciani family held, and holds still, a trade of musical instruments. He was born on 28 December 1962 in Orange, a small town in the South of France. To be more precise, Orange is in the heart of a wine-growing region renowned for its Châteauneuf-du-pape. And it was there that the Petrucciani family ran, and perhaps still runs, a musical instrument business.
    Atteint, dès sa naissance, d'une grave maladie osseuse, une ostéogénèse imparfaite qui rend les os aussi fragiles que du cristal et stoppe net le développement physique, Michel Petrucciani s'était très tôt consacré à l'étude de la musique classique. En fait, il avait quatre ans lorsqu'il commença l'exploration des univers sonores conçus par Bach, Chopin, Brahms, Debussy et autres. Reached{*affected*}, from the birth, by a grave osseous disease, an imperfect ostéogénèse which makes bones as fragile as of the crystal and stops net physical development, Michel Petrucciani had very early dedicated himself to the study of classical music. In fact, he was four years old when he began the investigation of the sound universes conceived by Bach, Chopin, Brahms, Debussy and the others. Reached, as of his birth, of a serious osseous disease, an imperfect osteogenesis which makes the bones as fragile as crystal and stops Net the physical development, Michel Petrucciani had very early devoted himself to the study of the classical music. In fact, it had four years when it began the exploration of the sound universes designed by Bach, Chopin, Brahms, Debussy and others. Stricken from birth with a serious bone disease, osteogenesis imperfecta, which makes the bones as brittle as glass and halts physical development, Michel Petrucciani devoted himself at a very early age to the study of classical music. He was four when he began to explore the worlds of sound created by Bach, Chopin, Brahms, Debussy and others.
    À cause de sa maladie, de cette maladie qui l'empêcha, comme il le confia lui-même, de « jouer au foot avec [ses] copains », il consacra tout le temps de sa prime jeunesse à l'apprentissage de la musique classique. À l'instar de Herbie Hancock, il était si doué en notes écrites par Mozart qu'il fut en mesure, dès l'âge de 11 ou 12 ans, de donner des concerts. Because of its disease, of this disease which prevented him{*it*}, as he confided him{*it*} himself, "to play football with [his] friends", he dedicated all the time of his premium youth to the learning of classical music. Following the example of Herbie Hancock, it{*he*} was so bright in notes written by Mozart who it{*he*} was capable, from the age of 11 or 12 years, of giving concerts. Because of its disease, of this disease which prevented it, as it entrusted it itself, "to play foot with [ its ] buddies", it all the time devoted its earliest youth to the training of the classical music. Following the example Herbie Hancock, it was so gifted in notes written by Mozart that it was in measurement, as of the age of 11 or 12 years, to give concerts. In fact, he had no choice but to devote himself to learning music, as his illness prevented him, as he himself confided, from "playing soccer with the other kids". Like Herbie Hancock, he had such a gift for interpreting Mozart that by the age of 11 or 12 he was able to give concerts.

    [NDLR: le texte a été "amélioré" puisque, dans l'original, ce paragraphe répète trop le précédent.]

    Lorsqu'il n'était pas en train d'étudier, Petrucciani faisait des démonstrations dans le magasin familial. Dans un entretien accordé au mensuel Jazz Magazine, il se rappela ceci: « Je travaillais dans le magasin, j'accordais les guitares et je faisais la démonstration des orgues. Quand des parents voulaient acheter un orgue à leur gosse, on me faisait descendre: "Tiens, Michel, tu fais une démonstration pour le monsieur?" Je jouais, le mec achetait, et revenait quinze jours après en disant: "L'orgue ne marche plus. Quand mon fils en joue, c'est pas comme le vôtre!" Sauf que moi, j'en faisais dix heures par jour. » When it{*he*} was not studying, Petrucciani made demonstrations in the domestic shop. In a conversation{*maintenance*} granted{*tuned*} to the monthly magazine Jazz Magazine, he remembered this himself: "I worked in the shop, I granted{*tuned*} guitars and I made the demonstration of organs. When relatives{*parents*} wanted to buy an organ from their kid, one came down{*fell*} me: 'Hold, Michel, you make a demonstration for the sir?' I played, the fellow bought, and returned fortnights later by saying: 'The organ does not walk{*work*} any more. When my son in cheek, it is not as yours!' Without I made ten hours of it a day." When it was not studying, Petrucciani made demonstrations in the family store. In a maintenance granted to the monthly magazine Jazz Magazine, he remembered this: "I worked in the store, I tuned the guitars and I made the demonstration of the organ. When parents wanted to buy an organ with their kid, one reduced me: ", Michel, you Hold make a demonstration for the Mister?" I played, the guy bought, and returned fifteen days after while saying: "the organ does not go any more. When my son out of cheek, it is not like yours!" Except that me, I made some ten hours per day " When he was not studying, Petrucciani gave demonstrations in the family store. In an interview with the monthly Jazz Magazine, he recalled: "I worked in the shop, I tuned guitars and I demonstrated organs. When parents wanted to buy an organ for their kid, I was called down: 'Hey, Michel, will you give the gentleman a demonstration?' I played, the guy made his purchase, and two weeks later came back saying: 'The organ doesn't work. When my boy plays it, it's not like yours!' But then, I played ten hours a day."
    Dans la famille, tout un chacun jouait d'un instrument. Son père de la guitare, un de ses frères jouait de la contrebasse. Les autres? On ne le sait pas. Chose certaine, alors qu'il était adolescent, Michel, le père et les frères se produisaient ici et là dans le Midi de la France. Et de quoi jouaient-ils? Du jazz, la passion du père que les fils partagèrent très tôt. Dans le cas de notre pianiste, Duke Ellington fut le premier héros, le premier modèle, le modèle qui compte. [...] In the family, every each played an instrument. His{*her*} father of the guitar, one of his{*her*} brothers played the bass. The others? One does not know him{*it*}. Sure thing{*matter*}, while it{*he*} was adolescent, Michel, the father and the brothers occurred here and there in the Noon of France. And what did they play? Of the jazz, the passion of the father which the threads shared very early. In the case of our pianist, Duke Ellington was the first hero, the first model, the model who{*which*} count. [...] In the family, all one each one played of an instrument. His/her father of the guitar, one of his brothers played of the double bass. Others? It is not known. Unquestionable thing, whereas it were adolescent, Michel, the father and the brothers occurred here and there in the South of France. And of what did they play? Jazz, the passion of the father whom the wire divided very early. In the case of our pianist, Duke Ellington was the first hero, the first model, the model which counts. [...] Everyone in the family played one instrument or another: his father played the guitar, and one of his brothers played the double bass. As for the others, we don't know. One thing that's certain is that when he was a teenager Michel, his father and his brothers performed together in various places in the South of France. What did they play? Jazz, a passion of the father's shared very early on by the sons. In the case of our pianist, Duke Ellington was his first hero, the first model, the one that counts. [...]

    Avec le gratin du jazz

    Par la suite, sa réputation bien établie, Petrucciani joue avec ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler le gratin du jazz. [...]

    With the cheese-topped dish of the jazz

    Afterward, the established well reputation, Petrucciani plays with what it is been advisable to call the cheese-topped dish of the jazz. [...]

    With the gratin of the jazz

    Thereafter, its well established reputation, Petrucciani play with what it is agreed to call the gratin of the jazz. [...]

    With the elite of the jazz world

    Subsequently, his reputation established, Petrucciani played with what is commonly called the jazz elite. [...]