FRE 488/1114 La traduction et le World Wide Web

Descartes : la séparation du corps et de l'esprit

Présupposés naïfs: 1) F. séparation = E. separation. 2) F. corps = E. body. 3) F. esprit = E. mind ou spirit ou soul ?

1. Google, Web: +descartes +"separation of body" = 197, dont:

  • History of the Psychology. A TimeLine of psychological ideas, by Marcos Emanoel Pereira, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil La page contient "René Descartes postulates the total separation of body and soul in the book Passions of the Soul". Cette formulation est pourtant suspecte à la lumière de fautes grossières comme "History of the Psychology".
  • West Coast College of Massage Therapy "In 1642 French philosopher Rene Descartes published a book which has played a central role in both modern philosophy and science.  The book, titled “Meditations on First Philosophy”, provided a comprehensive worldview based on the separation of body and mind."

    2a. Google, Web: +descartes +"separation of body and soul" = 20
    2b. Google, Web: +descartes +"separation of body and mind" = 98

  • Philosophic Inquiry In Sport (book) On y trouve les deux, donc opposition au moins implicite: "Chapter 8. The Separation of Body and Soul, Plato. Chapter 9. The Real Distinction Between the Mind and Body of Man, René Descartes."