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Sailing on Ernafrom the Mediterranean to Barbados1966-1967Letters to his brother and sister-in-law recountingthe adventures, hardships, plans and dreams of a young man of 19.
Alicante Spain 13th October 1966 Dear Russ and Kay,
Firstly many apologies for the time lapse in replying to your letter dated 18th August! And also for omiting to wish you happy anniversary some month ago.
So, from one "wandering Wooldridge brother" to another (& Kay),
Gibraltar Dear Russ & Kay,
Thank-you very much for your long and interesting letter. We arrived in Gib. yesterday morning, and it was waiting for me at Chas. Rodrigues. We shall be here for at least a fortnight I would guess, as we have to wait for more crew. There have been seven favourable and hopeful replies to the advert which Rich placed in the October issue of the Yachting World, which is just as well, since we arrived without food (e.g. absolutely no milk, sugar, eggs, bread, vegetables, tea, cheese, meat) and the rest of the crew are leaving, Rich Chris baby Anne and myself being the remaining. When the rest of the crew (proposed) arrive, all will once again be well, but in the mean time, I am trying to get work in Gibraltar however low the wage (& the wages are very low) to buy food, and then to replace my stolen exposure meter & flash gun.
Lots of love,
Gibraltar Dear Russ and Kay,
Thank-you for your letter and second draft, I only wish I could convey my gratitude by other means than a hackneyed "thank-you". I received it/them yesterday, a week after posting.
Hoping the exam-marking doesn't prove too grueling,
P.S. My address for your next letter had better be If we have left Gib. (dates now vary from 8th or 10th or after) he will forward it with any of Rich's mail which may have arrived late.
Gibraltar Dear Russ & Kay,
Here I am, still in this British outpost, in more senses than one (Gib. being an outpost, that is). Although we have enough crew, including a retired film director, an ex Prime Minister's personal secretary, a brilliant artist, a Danish cook, a Hull university student and an ex merchant navy purser, we are still repairing our missen mast. We do hope, as always, to be on our way soon.
Will write again,
Las Palmas Dear Russ & Kay,
Eventually, after eight weeks, we left Gibraltar, on 28th December: we sailed across the bay to Algeciras for fresh fruit and vegetables, & to have a band made for the boom, & left on 31st. On the way through the Straits, we were accompanied by a school of dolphins, playing around the ship & diving through the bow wave.
So, untill Bridgetown, happy '67, &
BARBADOS Dear Russ and Kay,
Ye goodely shippe ERNA has arrived. We sailed into Carlisle Bay to an anchorage as dawn was breaking last Saturday, 11th. It was a beautiful morning, with a light breeze, and the dawn outlined the tall palm trees and other tropical vegetation, and a few buildings. We were O.K.'d by the health launch, & everyone had a swim, breakfast, & then tidied up the ship. We drew lots to look after the ship, & I won & so stayed on board. As you probably know, Barbados were playing the Rest of the Commonwealth at cricket, & the Harbourmaster had taken himself off to go and watch, and so we didn't pick our mail up until Monday. Thank-you very much for the $5 draft & I certainly won't sniff at it!
All my love,
BARBADOS Dear Russ and Kay,
I'm sorry that its such a long time since you've heard from me, but I haven't yet received a reply to my last letter. I guess one or the other must have got lost somewhere in between. 16th April 1967
On a whim today, I walked into Air Canada office and extracted a promise of delivery at Toronto airport at 6.45 p.m. Sunday the 11th of June, so kill the fatting calf. I am flying on the "live now pay later" basis, which means I don't have to borrow money - at least, not immediately!
All my love, P.S. Quote from a letter from Neill: "When you see Russ & Kaye, give Russ my regards & Kaye my love". P.P.S. Mum & Dad don't know about attempts to get Elaine to B'dos, & it might be as well if ... etc.
BARBADOS Dear Russ & Kay,
Thank you for your letter received today. You probably now have mine. I think I will proceed with planned flight, as I have to wait 'till 7th for Rich to pay me. He hasn't been able to give me any money for a few weeks, & he doesn't get paid 'till 7th. He will then owe me about £26, which I shall need part of for laundry, buying a suitcase & so forth, & the four days in between 7th -> 11th will be used for such things. If you would prefer me to arrive on the 12th, I could, (I would have to check bookings), but otherwise I will arrive as per last letter. If you have something planned for the weekend, let me know the name of a worthy boarding house, & I will amuse myself untill the next day.
All my love, & thanks again, P.S. Had already acquired Am. visa. Do I have to do anything about passport for Canada? (No Can. consulate here.) |