Distribution of TACT: book, CD-ROM, program
Book and CD-ROM published October 1996:
Using TACT with Electronic Texts
New York: MLA, 1996.
MLA Software for Students and Scholars 2.
xiv & 361 pp. with Glossary, Index, CD-ROM.
ISBN 0-87352-569-8
US $50
The CD-ROM appears in a plastic envelope on the inside back cover of
the book and is labeled:
This CD-ROM, distributed free of charge with the manual
Using TACT with Electronic Texts, includes the TACT
programs, exemplary literary texts, and other software
useful in text analysis.
The Modern Language Association of America.
This disc contains copyrighted material. Please see
the file README.CD for copyright information. The CD-ROM
contains over 3,000 texts in 600 files.
TACT itself may also be had from the Web:
Orders for the book and CD-ROM may be placed at this address:
Modern Language Association
Customer Services
10 Astor Place
New York, NY 10003-6981
... by phone at
212 614-6382
... by FAX at
212 477-9863 or
212 533-0680
First-time customers must prepay. Use Visa or Mastercard
or International money order. For Visa or Mastercard, give
the Account No., the Expiry Date, and your signature.
For US orders, add $3 for shipping and handling of the first book and
50 cents for each additional book.
For Canadian and Mexican orders, double the US shipping charges.
For other countries, triple the US shipping charges.
Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
Please give information about the BILLING ADDRESS and the SHIPPING
ADDRESS with your order:
(Source: T.R. Wooldridge from information provided by I. Lancashire, both U. of Toronto)