My second example is taken from Canadian English. On the morning of 5 November 2004 in the car bringing us to the University of Toronto Mississauga the day after George W. Bush was reelected to a second term as President of the United States of America, I mused to my two colleagues about the numbers of "Bush dodgers" who would be coming up to enrich Canadian life the way the draft dodgers had done at the end of the nineteen-sixties. On reflection I told myself that the term Bush dodgers was an obvious one to coin in the Canadian context, so back home in the afternoon I decided to do a Google search to see how common the term was. As usual, Google gave me a good picture of its use.

From the results I obtained, the earliest attestation was in a blog by Shatnerian (resident in Quebec) dated 23 July 2004. Most of the occurrences of the term Bush dodgers were to be found in blogs, such as the Matrix Community Message Board, Vancouver Craigslist or the Vancouver Ultimate League Forum, and were posted towards the end of October or beginning of November 2004.
23 July 2004
bush dodgers
There's been a lot of talk among US-based bloggers about the idea of moving to Canada if things on the democracy front don't improve soon.

Vancouver Ultimate League Forum
"Bush Dodgers"
• Nally Nov-03-2004 4:23PM
So how many of you will be taking in "Bush Dodgers"?
• Alibabwa 3/6 Nov-04-2004 8:41AM
No no no! If all the anti-Bush crowd leaves the country it'll only be easier for the States to elect the same or worse next time. Encourage "Bush Dodgers" to stay, heck marry an American so YOU can vote in the next election!