At the end of the year Peter Wexler recommended that I pursue the study of words at the University of Besançon, in the East of France, under the direction of Bernard Quemada, who had done his thesis on lexicology along with Wexler in Paris in the post-World-War-II years. With Wexler I had studied the vocabulary of vaudeville plays of the 1840s. Vaudeville plays are mainly entertaining satires of current events, something like today's "Saturday Night Live". The diagram shown here is meant to represent a network of concepts and words from the artistic world of the 1830s and 1840s, as seen by another member of the Paris doctoral group, Georges Matoré.    

From: Georges Matoré, Le Vocabulaire et la société sous Louis-Philippe (1951; reed. Slatkine, 1967)