Online scholarship
Russon Wooldridge
University of Toronto
© 2001 R. Wooldridge
[Text prepared for the Consortium for Computers in the Humanities / Consortium pour ordinateurs en science humaines (COCH/COSH) session of the annual congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada, Toronto, May 2002. It is an English version of "L'érudition en ligne", published in December 2001.]
1. Databases of the Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
2. The sample database of early French dictionaries
3. RenDico, RenTexte
3.1. Database of Renaissance botanical terminology
3.2. Database of Renaissance nautical terms
4. Collaborations
4.1. Langue du XIXe siècle
4.2. LexoTor
4.3. Complete works of Maupassant
4.4. Theatre
4.5. Mirror sites
The following is intended to demonstrate, using as examples some of the documents published on the World Wide Web by the present writer, a few of the advantages of the medium of the Internet, compared to paper and the CD-ROM, for, on the one hand, the expression and the dissemination of scholarship, and, on the other hand, its reception and use. In short, it's a question of the increased power of the author and of the equally increased power of the reader.
The advantages of the Internet compared to paper are different from those of the Internet compared to the CD-ROM. The former will be illustrated throughout the examples that follow. The latter are concerned above all with the complete mastery exercised by the researcher over his or her subject and over the resulting circulated object without the intervention of extrinsic commercial or political considerations ; at the same time, the reader has free access to scholarship and direct access to the author, thus allowing for a dynamic and even creative dialogue.
The scholarly value of what is put on line is not at issue here : the medium is virtual, just like the blank page of paper. Suffice it then to say that the author of the materials discussed here received his training in the schools of Manchester, Besançon, Paris, Nancy, Strasbourg and Toronto.
The paper does not end with a conclusion : it is up to the reader to draw his or her own conclusion. Syntheses of the present writer's online publications are given in "Synthèse des travaux de R. Wooldridge" and "Summary of electronic publications".
1. Databases of the Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
The Dictionnaire de l'Académie française (Dictionary of the French Academy) is present on my Web site in several forms : 1) as a Base Échantillon (sample database), created in 1994 for a colloquium held at the Institut de France ; 2) as a component of a Base Échantillon des Dictionnaires Français Anciens (sample database of early French dictionaries) ; 3) the editions of 1694 and 1835 can be queried in a global interactive database under TACTweb. A selection of dictionary articles, the same ones taken from each of the eight complete editions and representing 1 % of the complete text, as well as the prefaces of the eight editions, are offered in three forms : a) scans of the original pages ; b) an HTML transcription ; and c) a global interactive database.
In a paper on some of the aspects of the computerized database of the Dictionnaire de l'Académie françoise of 1694 presented in 1998 (Wooldridge 1998), I illustrated the enrichment of the treatment of the word vin, a study made possible by full-text access to the digitized dictionary. The interactive database of the combined editions of 1694 (DAF 1694) and 1835 (DAF 1835) allows one to go further. I present here, in the form of a comparative table, the principal usages of vin in which it is a question of the virtues of wine.
One notices that the occurrences are spread throughout the dictionary text except under the entry VIN itself, although DAF 1835 picks up two or three. The reader who observes the cooccurrence in several examples of vin and cerveau can do a search in the interactive database on all the contexts of the latter word, just as on the former. The database user is not limited to what is offered in the way of examples in a given study.
2. The sample database of early French dictionaries
The Base Échantillon des Dictionnaires Français Anciens offers, among other things, the prefaces of over twenty dictionaries : Estienne 1539 and 1549 (E1539, E1549); Thierry 1564 (T); Dupuys 1573 (D); Stoer 1593, 1599 and 1603 (S1593, S1599, S1603); Nicot 1606 (N); Marquis 1609 (M); Voultier 1612 (V); Richelet 1680 (R); Furetière 1690 (Fu); Académie 1694, 1718, 1740, 1762, 1798, 1835, 1878 and 1932-5 (A1694, etc.); Trévoux 1721 and 1771 (T1721, T1771); Richelet portatif 1784 (Rp); Féraud 1787 (Fé). These documents are presented in three forms : original pages, HTML transcriptions and a global interactive database. I will illustrate the last through queries on the contexts of the word usage:
Left-hand context : l'usage (passim from 1694 on); bel usage (Fu, A1694); bon usage (A1878, 1932); hors d'usage (A1694); en usage (R, Fu, T1721, A1740, A1762, Fé, A1932); l'autorité de l'usage (T1721 - cf. autorisez par un usage reçû A1740, A1762; que l'usage seul autorise T1771; autorisée par l'usage T1771); la/les bizarrerie(s) de l'usage (A1718, A1835); les bizârres irrégularités de l'Usage (Fé); les caprices de l'usage (Rp); dictionnaire de l'usage (A1878, A1932); variations de l'Usage/usage (Fé, A1878); mauvais usage (A1694, A1878)
Right-hand context : usage actuel (A1878); l'usage, arbitre respecté même des maîtres (T1771); un usage aveugle et inconséquent (Fé); l'usage commun (A1878, A1932); l'usage des Dictionnaires (Fé); l'usage des Enfans et des Savans (A1878); l'usage des meilleurs Ecrivains (T1721, T1771); le bon usage est l'usage véritable (A1878); l'usage est le père des langues (A1835); l'usage est seul législateur (T1771); un/l'usage établi (A1740, A1762, Rp); l'usage ordinaire (T1721, T1771, Rp, A1878); l'usage, qui en matiere de langue est plus fort que la raison (A1718, A1740, A1762); l'usage reçû/reçu (A1740, A1762, Rp); l'usage universel (Fé); l'usage universellement reçu/reçû (A1740, A1762)
No commentary is offered here ; the user-reader can construct his or her own, based on the original, and with the help of the searchable transcriptions and interactive database, as well, of course, as with that of online, library or bookshop reading.
3. RenDico, RenTexte
In RenDico and RenTexte, I have put on line several Renaissance dictionaries and texts, including Robert Estienne's Dictionarium latinogallicum (1552), Jean Nicot's Thresor de la langue françoyse (1606), the Grand Dictionaire françois-latin (1593-1628), Vitruvius' treatise on architecture (trans. Martin, 1547), a triumphal entry of Henri II into Rouen (1551), Du Fouilloux' treatise on hunting (1561), Vigenere's Traicté des chiffres (1586), and Plutarch's OEuvres morales (trans. Amyot, 1587).
Starting from a search in the Dictionarium latinogallicum and the Thresor of key-words such as arbor, arbre, fleur, flos, fructus, fruict, fruit, frutex, herba, herbe, noix, nux, plante, etc., and of their thematic cooccurrents, one can gather together in short order the majority of the dictionary articles to do with botanical vocabulary (about a thousand articles and three thousand terms). It is interesting, for example, to compare the data of the Latin-French dictionary (DLG) with that of the French-Latin (Thresor).
A simple example : AEGILOPS:
AEgilops, Herba hordeum enecans. Plin. Species est auenae.
Avron. In Gallia Celtica vocatur Coquiole. (DLG 1552)
In the Thresor, one finds :
Avoine folle, AEgilops. Auena sterilis, et frugum pestis. Festucago a Columella
dicitur, Aucuns l'appellent Aveneron, les autres Averon, ou Avron.
Avron, AEgilops, aegilopis, voyez Avoine.
The French word coquiole is not in the French-Latin dictionary.
Jacques Dupuys speaks, in the preface of the Dictionaire françois-latin of 1573, of a treatise on navigation compiled by Jean Nicot. This treatise exists solely in the pages of the DFL of 1573 and those of the Thresor of 1606. A search on key-words makes it possible to reconstruct it, at least in its dictionary manifestation.
The dictionary-compiler Dupuys and the writer-lexicographer Nicot typically write entries that are different in nature, those of the former being compact, those of the latter extended. An example of each type :
Aubans en faict de navires sont des
cordes grosses servants des deux bords à tenir le mast
droict et ferme en nef, et passent par la teste de more du
mast, et tombent sur les barreaux d'iceluy, et de la se
viennent rider aux chaines d'aubans avec deux caps de
mouton, l'un attaché à la chaine, l'autre
à chasque bout d'auban. (Dupuys 1573 s.v. AUBANS)
Et asseurer un navire, qui est sous certain
interest de tant pour cent, de la somme à laquelle toute la cargaison
est avaluée, promettre à son risc, peril et fortune,
qu'il ira sauvement de tel port jusques à tel, ce qui est
l'hétéroplous des Grecs, ou aussi qu'il en reviendra
à sauveté avec toute sa recargaison, qui est
l'amsotéroplous, d'iceux Grecs. Lesquels contrats
aux ordonnances maritimes des Conseilliers de
Barcelone, sont appelez Seguretats maritimos y mercantivols
feites sobre rischs y perills de navilis, robes, cambis, mercaderies y
havers. Et ceux qui promettent Asseguradors, et les autres
Assegurats. L'Italien dit Assicuraments, Assicuratori et
Assicurati. Et nous par cette analogie pouvons dire,
Asseuremens, Asseureurs, Asseurez. (Nicot 1606 s.v.
This vocabulary is enriched in the Grand Dictionaire françois-latin, notably in the editions of Marquis (1609) and Poille (1609). Among the source texts used to illustrate nautical vocabulary, I shall mention the Amadis de Gaule, the triumphal entry of Henri II into Rouen, La Popeliniere and Vigenere's Traicté des chiffres. One notices especially in writers like Vigenere and Amyot, cited at the end of the century as models of good written French, the privileged place occupied by nautical expressions in metaphorical language. I shall quote from the end of the dedicatory epistle contained in Vigenere's treatise.
Dont lon ne vous sçauroit jamais trop recommander aux siecles futurs; ny
vous honorer de loüanges assez condignes et meritoires; ensemble de toutes
vos autres actions et comportemens; lesquels à quoy faire irois-je icy
parcourant plus au long, et par le menu attendu qu'ils sont plus que notoires
à un chacun, et en veuë de tout le monde; ny plus ny moins qu'un beau
grand phanal hault eslevé sur la pointe d'un promontoire, pour l'addresse des
navigants à l'obscurité de la nuict. Au moien dequoy le meilleur sera de
ployer mes voiles; et rentrant au port salüer vos perfections par ce celeusme
d'allegresse du pseaume 65. Tibi silentium laus; veu que l'abondance de vos
merites me lie la langue, serre les levres, et barre la bouche de passer plus
This type of interactive-database-assisted data retrieval made it possible to compile a lexicon of the nautical vocabulary contained in French Renaissance dictionaries and texts. Here is one of the articles from the lexicon (the conventions are explained on the site):
ANCRE (E31 anchora), ancres (P radier),
anchres (S2 ancre), encre (M amarer); jetter l'ancre/anchre
(HF 328v; M ancre) [FenGal dp. 1213]; lever
l'ancre (M fermeuse) [FenGal dp. 1538], lever les ancres/anchres (E38 tollo; AdG
4.31.82r, 5.51.105v, 6.4.6v, 9.73.189r; E46 solutus; T rade; S2 ancre) [FenGal dp. 1188]; mouiller l'ancre/anchre (HF 72r, 124v; M ancre) [FenGal av. 1587]; poser l'ancre/anchre
(HF 162r; M ancre < HF) [FenGal 1520]; tirer
les ancres (AdG 3.1.5v) [Ø FenGal]; demeurer à
l'ancre (T rade) [FenGal seult être à l'ancre dp.
XIVe]; mettre à l'ancre (AdG 7.36.74v); se mettre à
l'anchre (T desmarer); tenir un navire à l'anchre (D
equibiens; N desmarer); estre à anchre/ancre
addentée/adentée (N desmarer, marér) [Ø
ANCRER (E38 consisto; E46 anchora), anchrer (AdG 2.9.28v) [FenGal dp. XIIIe]
ANCHRAIGE: de mauvais
anchraige (D touaige) [FenGal dp. 1468]
DESANCRER: un vaisseau
desancrer/desanchrer "partir du port" (E) (E38 absoluo; E39 desancrer; AdG
8.84.157r; HF 390r; N cours, marér) [FenGal dp. fin XIVe]
4. Collaborations
In collaboration with Jacques-Philippe Saint-Gérand, of the Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand II, I have created a site on French language of the 19th century, original texts and analyses. The sections include : dictionaries; grammar; style, rhetoric and poetics; semantics; orthography; oral language; history, philology and comparativism; painting; music; general documentation.
In collaboration with Olivier Bogros, chief librarian of the Lisieux municipal library, I have created an interactive database of the holdings of the Bibliothèque électronique de Lisieux (Lisieux Electronic Library).
In collaboration with Thierry Selva, author of the Web site "Maupassant par les textes", I have created an interactive database of the complete works of Guy de Maupassant : short stories, novels, chronicals, correspondence, poetry, travel accounts, theatre.
In collaboration with David Trott, a specialist of Ancien Régime theatre, I have created an interactive and critical database of the complete dramatic works of Corneille, Molière, Racine, Marivaux and Beaumarchais.
4.5. Mirror sites
Since September 2001, several Toronto sites have been mirrored at the École normale supérieure in Paris, thanks to the kind assistance of Eric Guichard and Emilie Devriendt. There are three sites : the Net des Études françaises, Langue du XIXe siècle and the research sections of the Web site of the present writer.
Sample database of the Dictionnaire de l'Académie française: and
Interactive database of the Dictionnaire de l'Académie française, eds. of 1694 and 1835:
Sample database of early French dictionaries: and
RenDico, RenTexte: and
Renaissance botanical vocabulary: and
Renaissance nautical terms: and
Langue du XIXe siècle: and
LexoTor: and
Maupassant, complete works: and
Theatre, complete works: and
Wooldridge 1998 = "Aspects de la base informatisée du Dictionnaire de l'Académie françoise de 1694", paper given at a GEHLF seminar, 15 May 1998: and