4.2.18. Jean Le Bourgeois, Rouen

Jean Le Bourgeois was probably the second printer established in Rouen, after Le Talleur. He was active there from 1488 until c.1500 (Girard 1986: 470). In 1497, at about the same time that Jean Morand printed his first edition in Paris, Jean Le Bourgeois produced an edition of the CA at Rouen. Le Bourgeois 1497/98 (LB) Le Bourgeois also called his edition Catholicon abbreviatum, and the title appears above his plaque (see Plate 11). He included the Prologus from MM, with few text changes. A paraph is inserted before the sentence beginning In partibus igitur, and the sentence beginning Nota igitur no longer introduces a new paragraph: The colophon, which repeats the dictionary's pedagogical aim, was copied by Nicholas de la Barre in his edition of 1510 (see Following the colophon, Le Bourgeois added an epigram in eleven distichs praising the inventor of the art of printing: There are many orthographical changes in LB as compared with MM, as well as a number of typographical faults, but there is not any significant change in the nomenclature from Morin's edition.

4.2.19. Laurent Hostingue, Rouen/Caen

According to Aquilon (1978: 17), Laurent Hostingue first exercised his profession in Rouen from 1499 to 1508, then in Caen from 1508 to 1512, again in Rouen from 1513 to 1516, and finally at Caen from 1517 until his death c.1527. Hostingue frequently printed for the booksellers Michael Angier of Caen, Jean Macé of Rouen, and his relative Richard Macé who was established at Rennes. Hostingue c.1511-13 (HO) The only existing copy of Hostingue's edition of the CA lacks a title page and prologue. It is catalogued as Vocabularius. The dictionary ends with the epigram from LB with a few changes: It is followed by a colophon which is modelled on that in LB and B, but does not include a date: Hostingue drew some definitions as well as the epigram and colophon from LB; however, his primary source was Morand's second edition. Apart from repeating some of the faulty readings from M2, Hostingue's dictionary is carefully printed without notable changes or additions.

4.2.20. Raulin Gaultier, Rouen

The bookseller-printer Raulin Gaultier was established in Rouen from 1504 to 1536. Surviving texts printed for or by Gaultier include two grammars (Remigius and Alexander of Villedieu) and an edition of the CA. Gaultier 1519 (GA) The title of Gaultier's edition, Vocabularius Sreviloquus <sic>, is copied from that of B. It is printed in alternating black and red lines within a plaque which includes the name of Raulin Gaultier (see Plate18)  [80]: There is no date, either on the title page or in the colophon. The customary prologue is replaced by an Epystola exortatoria written for the benefit of youths by one Nicolai Cadier, and dated July 26, 1519. For this reason, Aquilon (1980: 22) gives GA a date of 1519.

The text concludes with the same wording as in B:

¶ Et sic est finis.
Laus deo.

There are a number of changes in the epigram, which is the one appearing in LB and in H:

The colophon is the same as that in LB, B and HO but lacks the printer's name and date: Although Gaultier copied his title from B, HO is the source for his dictionary.

4.2.21. Incomplete and Missing Editions of Series 2 Pour Pierre Regnault, Rouen, c.1500 Delisle (1903: 83) describes fragments of an edition of CA: This edition is dated c.1500 by GKW (VI, n° 6244), and the fragments are still conserved in the Bibliothèque municipale d'Avranches. We have not seen these pages, and do not feel we can assign this edition a place in Exhibit 31. Jehan Lambert, Paris, 1506 In Paris, in 1867, the Librairie Bachelin-Deflorenne published the Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de M.N. Yemeniz, which describes: Ambroise Firmin-Didot must have purchased this book very soon after publication of the catalogue, because in his Observations sur l'orthographe ou ortografie française (1868: 107) he writes: In 1881, in his preface to Sidney Herrtage's edition of the Catholicon Anglicum, Henry Wheatley notes: Beaulieux (1904: 378) refers to Lambert's edition: as does Moreau (1972: 187), although her details are outdated: This copy would be an important contribution to establishing the filiation of the Paris editions, but its fate is unknown.

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